What is


EthixFirst is a comprehensive platform dedicated to promoting ethical standards in the workplace.

We create and certify ethics standards for various departments and processes within organizations, helping them foster a culture of integrity and transparency.

Our standards are designed to be measurable and actionable, providing a clear framework for ethical practices.

Honest CV
The Honest CV Program is not just about creating a truthful resume; it's about committing to a professional identity that reflects true value and potential.
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Ethics Driven Prime Minister

Professional Ethics

"The work to eradicate corruption must begin from the top. It is spread like termite in our country. We have to work at all levels to eradicate corruption" - Shri Narendra Modi, Hon'ble Prime Minister of India

Download the circular by ACITE, Under Ministry of Human Resources and Development, Govt of India, to all colleges in India on Clean Exit.

Career Protection Plan

Protect your Career with Clean Exit. Ensure your investment in a company enhances your growth.
Most Popular

Ethics Training

Even good people can make bad decisions. Learn how to avoid such mistakes in your career.

Ethics Certification

Get faster preference for internships and jobs with the Clean Exit Ethics Certification.
Cleaning and disinfection amid the coronavirus epidemic.

New Covid-19 Lockdown Ratings

New lockdown ratings in Clean Exit allow RWAs to rate owners who forcibly evict healthworkers and also rate residents who violate the lockdown guidelines.

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dishonesty is contagious

Most common misconducts faced by companies

Before Hiring in Clean Exit

Before Hiring

Clean Exit Ethics driven workforce in office

After Hiring

Ethics Certified Professional Resigning

After Exit

In Global survey

India ranks top In Employee Frauds

Employees, intentionally or inadvertently, either aid or facilitate data leakage, data theft, financial frauds, conflict of interests, gender insensitivities, inappropriate media footprint, etc.

Clean Exit Ethics Rating of countries and India - Kroll Statistics

Channel Partners

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Reach our channel partners who can assist you.

Clean Exit Channel Partner for Ethics - Excel Pro
Clean Exit Channel Partner for Ethics - Apex
Clean Exit Channel Partner for Ethics - Space Infotech
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